Every Dollar Helps
The World Moyamoya Alliance strives to have complete transparency with how our donations are used. Below are our primary initiatives and how we believe we can make the best impact on supporting the moyamoya community.
50% Dedication of Funds. The World Moyamoya Alliance is dedicated to funding worldwide research focused on effective treatments of moyamoya within research and medical communities.
The Board of Directors, along with our upcoming Medical Advisory Board, will thoroughly research and vet all potential WMA donation recipients. Candidates will be reputable, established and moyamoya-dedicated research facilities.
20% Dedication of Funds. The World Moyamoya Alliance Team is 100% staffed by volunteers. Currently, operation costs include website fees, marketing materials, supplies, postage, legal fees, insurance costs, and other miscellaneous costs associated with our day-to-day operations. Further down the line, as we grow and expand, other costs may include medical advisory board expenses, event costs and outreach tools.
30% Dedication of Funds. Education is power. The WMA wants everyone to know what moyamoya is and how to identify it, so patients can take action before a stroke. Medical technology is advancing daily, but despite improved diagnostic capabilities, the majority of moyamoya patients still report unacceptable delays in diagnosis. The unfortunate truth is that diagnosis is out of reach if the doctor has never heard the term "moyamoya."
WMA is undertaking a coordinated, global effort to educate everyone about moyamoya. This includes curating targeted messages to the medical community, the education community (K-12) and the general public as a whole. This begins with getting easy-to-understand fliers and infographic materials (printed and digital) into the hands of doctors, nurses and teachers across the globe. It continues with awareness drives, building partnerships and media outreach. Our primary goal is to ensure that no person is left undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and without necessary, life-saving treatment.